Sweet Summer Carnations


This lovely basket of colorful carnations will certainly add some joy to your day! This beautiful arrangement comes in a white basket and includes carnations in several colors, such as light pink, orange, and purple. Our Sweet Summer Carnations arrangement is perfect for sending as gift to your loved one to make their day. Whether it be a birthday or just because, we can also include a message from you on a card if you fill out the form at checkout.

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This lovely basket of colorful carnations will certainly add some joy to your day! This beautiful arrangement comes in a white basket and includes carnations in several colors, such as light pink, orange, and purple. Our Sweet Summer Carnations arrangement is perfect for sending as gift to your loved one to make their day. Whether it be a birthday or just because, we can also include a message from you on a card if you fill out the form at checkout.

This lovely basket of colorful carnations will certainly add some joy to your day! This beautiful arrangement comes in a white basket and includes carnations in several colors, such as light pink, orange, and purple. Our Sweet Summer Carnations arrangement is perfect for sending as gift to your loved one to make their day. Whether it be a birthday or just because, we can also include a message from you on a card if you fill out the form at checkout.