Blushing Bouquet of Roses


This beautiful bouquet of pink and lilac roses in a pink ceramic vase makes the perfect gift for your loved ones. Whether it be an anniversary, birthday, Valentine’s Day, or just because, they are sure to enjoy these fresh roses. If you would like to include a message please fill out the form and we will include a card with your message when we send the arrangement.

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This beautiful bouquet of pink and lilac roses in a pink ceramic vase makes the perfect gift for your loved ones. Whether it be an anniversary, birthday, Valentine’s Day, or just because, they are sure to enjoy these fresh roses. If you would like to include a message please fill out the form and we will include a card with your message when we send the arrangement.

This beautiful bouquet of pink and lilac roses in a pink ceramic vase makes the perfect gift for your loved ones. Whether it be an anniversary, birthday, Valentine’s Day, or just because, they are sure to enjoy these fresh roses. If you would like to include a message please fill out the form and we will include a card with your message when we send the arrangement.