Summer Dream Daisy Bouquet


Make your summer colorful with this bouquet of vibrant daisies. This arrangement of fresh daisies comes in a fishbowl vase filled with oranges, making the colors come to life even more. Perfect for adding color to any room, sending as a gift for birthdays or celebrating, or simply because you would like to surprise someone with a gift to make their day.

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Make your summer colorful with this bouquet of vibrant daisies. This arrangement of fresh daisies comes in a fishbowl vase filled with oranges, making the colors come to life even more. Perfect for adding color to any room, sending as a gift for birthdays or celebrating, or simply because you would like to surprise someone with a gift to make their day.

Make your summer colorful with this bouquet of vibrant daisies. This arrangement of fresh daisies comes in a fishbowl vase filled with oranges, making the colors come to life even more. Perfect for adding color to any room, sending as a gift for birthdays or celebrating, or simply because you would like to surprise someone with a gift to make their day.