Lovely Roses Arrangement


This beautiful box of lush roses comes in a small wooden box and is sure to make a great surprise for your loved ones. This arrangement is perfect as a gift, centerpiece for formal events, or simply to enjoy in your home. You can also include a message on a card by filling out the form after adding the arrangement to your cart.

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This beautiful box of lush roses comes in a small wooden box and is sure to make a great surprise for your loved ones. This arrangement is perfect as a gift, centerpiece for formal events, or simply to enjoy in your home. You can also include a message on a card by filling out the form after adding the arrangement to your cart.

This beautiful box of lush roses comes in a small wooden box and is sure to make a great surprise for your loved ones. This arrangement is perfect as a gift, centerpiece for formal events, or simply to enjoy in your home. You can also include a message on a card by filling out the form after adding the arrangement to your cart.